To: Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz
Vienna, Febuary 25, 1813

Anderson v1 pg407-408 - letter #406

       Since I last saw you, my dear Z[meskall], I have been almost continually ill.  Meanwhile the servant, whom you employed before the one you now have, has been to see me.  I did not remember him, but he told me that he had been in your service and that you had had no fault to find with him, save that he could not dress your hair properly – I have already paid him something in advance, I confess, but only one gulden.  Should you have nothing worse to report about him, but I beg you to inform me candidly if you have, then I will decide to engage him.  For, as you know, the dressing of my hair is my least concern; unless indeed my finances could be dressed and curled – I am expecting a reply from you today.  If there is no one here to let your servant in, then he should hand in your note to the apartment on the left; and if again he happens to find no one there, then to the woman caretaker below. 

       Heaven bless you in your musical undertakings –

                                             Ludwig van Beethoven miserabilis